Norway’s highest uphill race – and down again. Two races with different altitudes and distances. A weekend filled with experiences for both big and small, based on everything the village has to offer.

@2021 – 1851 OppNed Norddal All Rights Reserved.

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Equipment and security

  /  Equipment and security
1851 OppNed Norddal


There are no weight requirements for the equipment in the competition groups, but everyone must bring something to drink, your phone, a windproof jacket and a buff. The same requirements apply to the hikers, but they are welcome to bring more food, drink, and clothing as they’re more likely to be outside for a longer amount of time. Plan everything in advance and make sure to follow the weather forecast. The conditions can change along the way and the temperature can get quite low the higher you go.

The mountain rules

Be prepared.

Leave word of your route.

Be weatherwise.

Be equipped for bad weather and frost.

Learn from the locals.

Use map and compass.

Don’t go solo.

Turn back in time; sensible retreat is no disgrace.

Conserve energy and build a snow shelter if necessary

1851 OppNed Norddal


Everyone participates at their own risk, and must follow the organizer’s safety plan and follow the mountain rules. If emergencies arise, one is obligated to help to the best of one’s abilities and to follow instructions. In the event of an emergency, the emergency medical number 113 must be notified. The Red Cross will be present alongside the trail. If the weather conditions are bad (fog or snow for example), the organizer is allowed to shorten the route.

18851 OppNed Norddal

Physical requirements

Good physical shape, condition, endurance, and responsible judgement in the mountains is necessary.
If you have to cancel the race, this must be reported to the organizer.

The trail

The participants are obligated to follow the marked trail.
The trail is marked with red and white marking tape.

Max time

The organizer has the right to ask all participants
to turn around at Breiløyfta after 14.30.